Globalist New World Order Explained
Ivor Cummins explains the current state of the world order and who is behind the destruction of western societies and culture , who is driving globalism , political correctness and corruption, tying it all together with a hierarchical diagram joining the main participants.
A very important video that explains a lot about the lockstep actions of governments and big finance towards fascism.
A diagram that explains the war on western society by the WEF globalists and deep state pseudo communists to usher Fascism
Here is the hierarchical diagram of how global fascism (public private partnership) is controled and commanded and enforced.
Its all in the open folks, here is some proof of the validity of the globalist diagram featured above in regards to open migration and the people behind it Obviously Sutherland is a corrupt pawn bigger fish are his masters like King Charles of the UK a big globalist kingpin, Larry Fink, Rockefellers and other big finance elites. .
here is a prettier redisign of the globalist strategy diagram.